March, April and May in Review
The past three months have provided the students with some unique experiences and opportunities.
In March, students visited Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller to learn about ancient rocks and to make casts of fossils.
In April, all students worked to complete the APEGA Rescue Vessel challenge in class. For the most part, students were very successful with the challenge and worked in small groups to build boats from recycled materials that could float and assist with the retrieval of 200g and 400g marble bags. Three students from our class were randomly selected to participate in the APEGA Science Olympics event at Winsport on Saturday, May 4th. Those students performed very well and earned a silver medal for Langevin.
Also in April, students went on a sound walk in the Bridgeland/Renfrew communities where they measured decibels and created sound maps. Additionally, students went on a Habitat Walk through St. Patrick's Island where they worked in small groups to act as naturalists and identify wildlife and plant species.
May began with the Grade 3 Celebration of Learning where students shared their animal research projects including research reports, fossils made from permineralized sponge, a wearable cardboard adaptation and a scientific sketch and pillow. We also visited Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation Area to learn more about habitats and how we can protect them. Perhaps the most exciting field study was our trip to Bow Habitat Station/Pearce Estates Park where students released the rainbow trout we have been raising since January when they came to us as eyed eggs.
In the last few months, skills we have practiced in the classroom include:
- creating story boards
- planning and writing a short story
- spelling rules/sound stories and their application
- multiplication, division and fractions
- summarizing
- presentation and listening skills
Important Dates in June
June 5: CPAWS Hike, Mount Yamnuska, late return
June 6: Volunteer Appreciation, Langevin School 6:00pm
June 21: Family Picnic Prince's Island Park 9:00 - 11:25. *All families are welcome to join
June 24 - 27: All half days 12:25pm dismissal
June 26: Sports day
June 27: Last Day, Report Cards Go Home
June 28: No school for students (Appeals Day)
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